We spent two full days touring the city and started with the Fraulein Maria Sound of Music Tour. There's no better way to see the city, even dodging raindrops as we were. Early in the travel season, it was only our family, so we essentially had a private tour. 3+ hours biking about 9 miles in total and stopping at all the famous movie sights. Our guide, a Sound of Music devotee and a local university music student (originally from Finland)also pointed out other local sights and was a wealth of information about Salzburg in general. We rode by the gardens and statues and markets the children and Maria explored in their do-re-mi outings; saw the Salzburg concert hall, the Convent, the houses used for filming, and THE "16 going on 17" gazebo. Eldest hung in gamely on a trail-a-bike and even got to take a break at a local playground, while baby just took it all in hugging momma's back strapped into a baby seat.
It rained on us at the end of tour, so we quick changed the kids' clothes and then found a Rick Steve's recommended biergarten for lunch -- great place with lots of space for the boys in a little local neighborhood with the local brew. After lunch it was back to our flat for a nap and then a funiculur ride up to the top of the Salzburg fortress (So we could see the fortress and the view, and so C could ride the crazy, mountain-skirting elevator/train). In another life we'd've caught a conert, up at the top, but with the little ones the ride and walk around was the way to go.
For dinner, (after getting C some playground time in a fabulous park ) we grabbed some street food while walking between the main squares (and yes C got yet another ice cream -- I think icecream might be his special travel reward)
The next AM, we loaded up the car and headed on our way, C waving g'bye to the mountains as we passed them, when it finally dawned on him, "Mommy, there's snow up there."
The actual SOM mountains were filmed across the German border in Bavaria, to get the "green" look the director wanted, but the mountains surrounding Salzburg were gorgeous. We didn't make it to Eagle's Nest (one of Hitler's compounds just across the German border, known for the road Hitler had built to connect it to the town below, and didn't get into the Bavaria region at all, but as we still want to hit Munich and Garmish, we'll be back!
Planning a European vacation..... go to Salzburg!
(here's a cool link to good fun in the Antwerp train station a few months back. Although Salzburg natives claim to have never actually seen the Sound Of Music, at least some Europeans have!)
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