Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm a big kid now!

 B's three year old birthday passed a couple of weeks ago.  He celebrated in style with marble cupcakes at a morning Kindergarten party. Then he whooped it up some more that evening with presents, pizza, ice cream cake, and a trampoline jump fest. 

A few months back he and I began discussing how three-year-olds were big boys and didn't need diapers.  He could talk a big game how there'd be no more diapers when he turned three, but he didn't seem all that motivated to follow all that talk with action.   I tried stickers, and candy, books and toys.... nothing doing.  Like everything else this child does, he does it his way.

He woke up on the 4th of  July (6 days post birthday) and simply declared he was wearing big boy pants to Kindergarten and  that's been that.  Looks like we successfully avoided the prolonged pull up phase and we got it taken care of  *before* I ran out of  my pre-paid diapers.

What are pre-paid diapers you ask?

Before we left the states I bought $800 worth of diapers from Costco.  The movers who packed us out, joshed me about filling an entire crate with diapers ( 25 boxes of Kirkland's supreme-- which btw are made by Kimberly Clark and  just like Huggies, if you're a Huggies fan).  The Dutch movers who moved us in asked, "Are American diapers different than German diapers?"  Most of my gal-pals have had a good-natured chuckle at my diaper stash beneath the stairs. And because GK is such a small community, there's been at least one new friend who upon meeting me for the first time, in an effort to put a face with a name exclaimed, "so you're the one who moved over all those diapers!"

Well People: -- 
32 months and 23 boxes of diapers later, I finally did the math. (Yes, I have two boxes left). Those 25 boxes, approximately 4000 diapers, would have cost me the equivalent of  $1500 on the local economy.  Plus, it's hard to get Huggies over here (except at the Commissary and even with coupons Commissary Huggies are more expensive than Pampers at the Real or DM). I'm a Huggies gal through and through, so ultimately would have been paying almost double for diapers I liked less. 

I'm thinking I now have $700 worth of Mad Money to my credit.  Hmmmmm?  Girls trip anyone?