With only a few short morning hours to myself each day, hours which are inevitably spent shopping or errand running or at the gym or grabbing a quick cuppa with a friend, it's hard to have any real hobbies to speak of. I do a bit of reading and a bit of blogging (a very little bit of blogging of late) but both of those are difficult with the numerous interruptions a 5 and 2 year old bring to the table, curious and inquisitive little boys who it always seems are bustin' at the seams to, in their words, "tell me something". However, between fixing lunch, refereeing light saber battles, designing lego masterpieces, and pancaking play doh I can putz around online. Yep, pretty pathetic that googling is my hobby, but it is, and I often find myself googling "local German village + World War Two" just to see what pops up. This week a search for "Gangelt and World War Two" yielded this link .
Click through and you'll find the story of Walter Leopold. Leopold, a Jewish survivor of WW2, was born in a Dutch town not too far from here. When he was a baby he and his family went into hiding. They survived the war and moved to the states in 1954. In 2009 Leopold returned to the Holland to try to discover more about his family's past, specifically his German father. His search led him to Gangelt, his father's birthplace. His time exploring Gangelt eventually led him to a forgotten and desecrated Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of town. As things go, he arranged to have the cemetery's gates shipped to him in Massachusetts, to grace a Jewish cemetery in Amherst. (The details of his story are interesting, so do click through and read his account and see a pic of the gates).
Enter: Google
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