Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood |
It's expensive, with a big 'ol "E", to travel in Northern Europe. It's expensive to sleep and it's expensive to eat, let alone expensive to do things. (Dinner for two, no wine, at a moderate eatery --easily 100 Euro). Book the right cruise and cruising can be a good value as you eat and sleep on the boat. Cruising is also the most hassle free way to see a little snippett of Russia. Russia requires US citizens to obtain a visa, an expensive and sometimes a lengthy process. I know people who have done it, but it does require planning and leg work. If you travel last minute, like we so often do, both of those things can be difficult. If you cruise into Russia, you do not need a Visa. The only catch is you *must* disembark with an organized and prearranged excursion/tour.
When we booked our St Petersburg excursions online, we simultaneously tried to book B into the Nursery, to no avail. Our philosophy on Europe with little ones is this: It's not that we don't do things b/c of the kiddos, but we almost always do things a little differently with the wee set than we would on our own. We don't plan more than one event each morning and one event each afternoon. We respect lunchtime, pack oodles of snacks, and make sure there is a stroller available come afternoon nap time. So, that was the plan. We scheduled museums in the AM (when B's at his best), walking tours in the afternoon when we hoped he'd crash in his stroller, and D quickly volunteered to stay on board with the boys while I went to the ballet. But, a sprinkling of pixie dust later, turns out the nursery had space for him on our St Petersburg days after all. SCORE! (Though D still begged off the ballet, so the kids wouldn't be up past their bed times. Took one for the team, he did.)
St Petersburg is a beautiful beautiful city, but other than an onion-domed church here and there and the magnificent Church of the Spilled Blood , it doesn't really look "Russian". Peter the Great built St Petersburg, from scratch, out of the marshlands in the 1700s, so it's not a very old city. Peter was a well-educated, well-traveled man, who loved Amsterdam. Lo and behold, St. Petersburg looks a lot like Amsterdam, more ornate, but with the same general character.
Winter Palace |
St Isaacs Cathedral |
I was 10 when the Cold War started thawing. I was 15 when the Soviet Union collapsed and 20 when the former Soviet republics first competed under their own flags in the Olympic games. That means our guides were babies, preschoolers and tweens and have spent much of their lives in an, presumably, increasingly "free" Russia. Consider too that one of the guides explained to us that just like America, Russia is a large country divided into states because smaller states are easier to control. Yep, control was her word. Maybe she meant govern and the word choice got lost in translation? Maybe she's only had a brief primer on American government and legitimately believes that improving administrative logistics is the main impetus behind statehood? I realize it could take more than a single generation to undo years of entrenched thought and maybe today's Russian tweens (the ones who will be tour guides 15 years from now) have a markedly different perspective, but I thought the statement telling nonetheless.
Back to touring....
Summer Palace |
Ballroom -- look at all the people! |
It happened to be Naval Day in St Petersburg the morning we went to the palace, so our bus ride back to the boat took close to three hours. We had to wait for parading sailors, cheering crowds, and booming canon as St Petersburg put her naval might on display. As an outsider how do you see such a display and not call to mind news footage of May Day parades and tanks rolling through Red Square? Just another instance how St Petersburg, as an example of both historical and modern Russia, leaves me scratching my head. I can't shake the feeling that it's a city stuck at a crossroads, a city that wants to be progressive but just isn't sure how. Other than our guides we didn't get to interact with any "real" Russians. We didn't get shoot vodka with a local or breathe any local air, so there's much I didn't get to experience. Even the performance of Swan Lake I attended was scripted for cruise passengers. Don't get me wrong, it was an AWESOME performance, by a respected Russian ballet company in the oldest theatre in town, but there wasn't a Russian in sight -- by necessary design, I imagine. After all, what do so many tourists, me included, want to do in Russia? What do they view as the quintessential Russian experience, if not attending the ballet? It makes sense, then, that the ballet company would simply contract with the cruise lines to fill the theatre with ballet-seeking passengers. All in all, St Petersburg was my favorite port city of the cruise, so definitely go if life ever hands you the chance.
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