Monday, June 28, 2010

birthday boy


as far as stat's go:  he's now 28 pounds and 34 inches, puts him about in the middle of all other two year olds for height and weight.  If you do the ol', double his height at two thing to predict is adult height, then that means he'll top out at 5'8.

He's got the temperament of a stereotypical two year old: from 0 to royally ticked off in just under 2 seconds. He must do everything himself, except for when he doesn't want to. He knows how to look sheepish when he's supposed to and how to laugh on cue at big brother's antics.  Playdoh, paint, and cars are his favorite pastimes.  Blues Clues and Diego are his favorite videos.

He never stops talking, does a running commentary of his daily activities.  Last week when I went in to get him after his nap, he stopped fussing the instant I walked in the door, put this great big smile on his face and said to me, "I crying mama".   Really kid, I didn't know.  Something tells me he's already figured out how to work the system.

He's a sweet boy, but definitely mischievous.  Fortunately, big brother is a rule follower, so hopefully this time next year, when B finds C and tells him he thinks it would be fun to put all the LEGOS down the toilet, C will have the presence of mind to tell him to think again.  Here's hoping!

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