Maybe I'll start him his own blog, but for now, this'll have to do.
At 9 months, he's moved from 1% on the weight chart to 5%. He's got two teeth, is mastering the mechanics of crawling, and loves to eat finger food, but only if it's mama's fingers doing the feeding. (I tend to hold those slimy foods for him, things like pears that he just can't manage to pick up off the tray, and lo and behold if it didn't take the kid all of about 2 seconds to figure out it was far easier to put mama's finger in his mouth than hassle with it himself).
He has the best fun with big brother; he'll cackle and laugh for the rest of us, but downright guffaws when C comes along. Their favorite game is the scream game. The rules are such: C screams, B screams, C screams, B screams.... pattern continues 'till I tell C to move on. B, of course, misses that directive, keeps screaming, and the whole game starts over again. (*Note* this game is good F-U-N when in the car).
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