Monday, December 15, 2008

An Acquired Taste?

Ate lunch recently at the local subway. (Subway and Mcdonalds are the only two places I've found with fountain sodas or coffee in to-go cups). The menu is pretty much the same as in the states. However, the chip choices were interesting.

ever tried a prawn-flavored potato chip? Did you ever imagine such a chip existed? D ate the whole bag, so he must have liked them. Me, not so much.

Tonight is our last night in our guesthouse, which means this will likely be my last post until our internet gets up and running (two weeks if we're lucky, a month if we're not.)

Merry Christmas one and all. We're still undescided where we're headed for the holiday, so be sure to check back after the new year to see where we ended up!

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