Tuesday, July 14, 2009

WildPark Gangelt

Explored a local treasure recently, taking the boys to WildPark Gangelt -- part playground, part nature trails, part zoo. C 'tis the perfect age for it, by the time we leave here he will have outgrown it. Not a huge place, and that's part of its appeal. It's small enough that he can walk it an hour, still leaving plenty of time for playgrounds and picnics.

His favorite part was the beehive, where the queen was marked with a read dot. "Don't worry" he said, "the Bees aren't so scary"

Opeanyear 'round, I think we might just have to snag an annual pass.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby Book Time-- the first year

At One Year....
He's a skinny little dude. 19.8 pounds (8th percentile, up from 5th percentile at 9months) and 30.11 inches (65th percentile, up from 22nd percentile at 9 months). Not walking yet, but doesn't like to sit still, not even to sit in his highchair to eat. Meals, more often than not, are little tidbits eaten on the go, but as he keeps growing, must be getting enough.

For his birthday we had some friends over to try out Daddy's new grill and the kids decorated cupcakes. I put strawberries all over B's as strawberries and watermelon are two of his favorite foods.

His newest trick is giving five and although he makes lots of sounds, the only sound that functions as a word (signifying a specific meaning) is cawya, which you guessed it, is his word for big brother. Big Brother is awful sweet to him. When B's in his crib, fussing to get out, I tend to talk to him as I walk up the stairs to get him, "Don't worry, baby, momma's coming". Anytime B's awake and begins fussing, C dashes off to wherever B's penned in, hollering to him along the way, "Don't worry, baby, Cawya's coming"